Ying Qin

Ying Qin

Global Thematic Analyst, Citi Global Insights

    A PhD holder PhD in sustainable development from the University of Cambridge, Dr. Ying Qin is a global thematic analyst at Citi's Global Insights division who specialises in ESG and sustainability with a unique focus on Nature and Gender. Her contributions to Citi's thought leadership reports, including the highly regarded Citi GPS series, encompass climate change, nature loss, UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Women in the Economy. Her latest work, "Sustainable Ocean Economy - Charting a Prosperous Blue Future from Risk to Resilience," explores the importance of ocean sustainability and the role of businesses and financial institutions in fostering awareness, catalysing action, and directing finance toward ocean conservation. Before her tenure at Citi, Dr. Qin worked at policy think tank Chatham House.

    9:15 am - 9:45 am

    Keynote Lecture 9 – Unlocking A Sustainable Future With Ocean Innovation And Finance

    Ocean health is declining. It is not a silo-ed issue but one intrinsically connected to climate change and the loss of biodiversity, impacting both land-based and marine industries. Now more than ever, we must protect and restore our oceans and learn to use them in more sustainable ways. However, ocean health remains overlooked and underfunded in business and finance; UN SDG 14: Life below water, the global goal for ocean conservation, receives the least funding. We need to mobilise more finance, especially private capital, to support the conservation and sustainable use of our oceans and their resources.

    A sustainable ocean economy can bring economic, environmental, and social benefits, providing opportunities for corporations and investors. Restoring ocean health and transforming unsustainable practices are driving innovation across industries, from ocean-based climate solutions and sustainable seafood to ocean intelligence and innovative financial tools. Join us to explore the business and investment case for ocean action, with a focus on innovative ocean solutions that can help to unlock a sustainable and prosperous future.


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