Wendy Wong

Wendy Wong

Programme Head, Diploma in Applied Science (Environmental Services and Management), Republic Polytechnic

    With over two decades of  various environment- and sustainability-related roles in government and education, Ms. Wong is a well-respected authority in the field of environment and sustainability. During her decade-long tenure at the National Environment Agency, she contributed to the formulation and execution of strategies and initiatives focussed on energy conservation and waste management. In her current role as provider of Environmental, Social, and Governance training and consultancy services at Republic Polytechnic, Ms Wong launched the flagship Eco Ambassador Training Programme in partnership with the Singapore Environment Council. She is also a Mentor to sustainability professionals under the Singapore Business Federation’s Career Conversion Programme. Ms Wong holds a Master of Laws in Environmental and Energy Law, and a Master of Science in Environmental Management.

    10:45 am - 11:15 am

    Keynote Lecture 10 – Tackling Plastic Pollution – Implications Of The Plastic Treaty

    In March 2022, UN Member States endorsed a historic resolution to end plastic pollution and forge an international legally binding agreement by 2024. We must recognize the significance of this resolution and examine the Global Plastic Treaty to understand how it can help us achieve ambitious targets for combatting plastic pollution and marine litter. During this session, we will explore innovative approaches like plastic credits as a market-based mechanism to reduce plastic waste through incentivizing and rewarding sustainable practices.

    These approaches are critical in promoting responsible plastic consumption, fostering circular economies, and encouraging investment in sustainable solutions. Learn about how the combined efforts of the Global Plastic Treaty and plastic credits can foster a culture of sustainability, driving positive change and curbing plastics pollution in the ocean.


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