Benjamin Chay

Benjamin Chay

Founder, Green Earth Sustainability Bridge (GESB)

    Mr. Chay is an experienced leader who worked at various MNCs within the commodities sector. He brings with him vast international experience having covered markets across Asia, US and Europe.

    As an effective communicator and strategic thinker, he operationalises global best practices and scaled various businesses throughout his career.

    In 2022, he founded Green Earth Sustainability Bridge (GESB) Pte. Ltd. to address issues close to his heart – incorporating sustainable practices within the commodity sector and building circular economies. GESB is registered with the Verra registry and has obtained partnerships from various carbon credit projects across South East Asia.

    Mr. Chay was also advisor to several carbon credits projects and has ongoing engagements with educational institutions and industrial players to advocate for sustainable practices.

    He is a strong believer that sustainability and profitability can find their balance in today’s diverse market within any organisation.

    11:35 pm - 11:55 pm

    Keynote Lecture 12 – Tackling Plastic Pollution – Recycling And Circular Economy Solutions

    Plastic pollution is now so rampant that it has been labelled as a crisis. Many are uneducated and misinformed in terms of what plastic is, where it comes from, how it is made, and whether it truly can be reused or recycled. In many developed countries, consumerist wasteful behaviour also causes the plastic problem to persist, despite ample resources to reduce wastage.

    While there are breakthroughs in the development of compostable and biodegradable materials in the market materials, these alternatives are either too costly to mass produce or cannot achieve the same properties as some plastics. Not all plastics are created equal and in this session, participants will learn about the actual problems behind recycling plastics, circular economies, and why recycling alone cannot be the only solution – switching off the tap is presently the best way to stop the plastic crisis.


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